Weekly Bulletin #362 End of an era? |
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October 9, 2009 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Weekly Bulletin is sent free of charge to anyone who asks for it. It
is a publication of the ReCreation Foundation, a non-profit organization
undertaking the work of sharing the message of Conversations with God
with the world. That message is that the purpose of life is to recreate
ourselves anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever
we held about Who We Are. In This Issue... Notes from Neale Reflections from the text of the CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD books... The Calendar Notes from Neale... My dear friends... Hello from Paris. Next week, it's on to Amsterdam, and then to New York City, as the Final Extended Tour continues. We'll take a few days off, then finish the tour with some final engagements in Dallas, Miami, St. Lucia, and Phoenix. Then, a week and a half before Thanksgiving, it will be HOME FOR GOOD for 2009...and for most of 2010!!! That's right! There will be no more extended, multi-week tours after this one is concluded. My "semi-retirement" begins just before the holidays...and I am so grateful! But the work will continue. The sharing of the wonderful and empowering messages of Conversations with God will never end, and I will never stop until my last breath. But I am going to be finding some other ways to send the message, including Internet TV and Satellite Lectures, among others. And, if course, continuing events...only in Ashland, Oregon, where we live, rather than so many in other parts of the country and the world, to which we have been traveling for so many years. So watch the website for news of what's in store for 2010! Now....last week in this space we were discussing States of Being, and we said that they are Inner World experiences. Yet they can and do create Outer World realities. Most people think that a State of Being is something that we experience as a result of conditions or events in our Outer Reality, yet it is just the other way around. When we adopt a State of Being ahead of time --- that is, before outer world events occur, or as they are about to occur --- we gain the power to actually impact and create outer reality. This is because adopting a State of Being is an embracing of a particular kind of energy (to which we give the names happiness, sadness, joyfulness, peace, etc.) --- and an amplifying of it. When we adopt a State of Being we move into it, adding the energy of our very person (our soul's essence) to it, thus making it "louder." As this energy is amplified, what we are "being" cannot help but affect what we are "seeing," because what we see is a matter of perspective, and all perspective emerges from Beingness. Think about it. If you are "being" sad, you will hold a particular perspective...about yourself, about the moment at hand, about life itself. If you are "being" joyful, you will hold a particular perspective...about yourself, about the moment at hand, about life itself. If you are "being" positive, you will hold a particular perspective...if you are "being" negative, you will hold a particular perspective...if you are "being" patient or understanding or forgiving or compassionate...or impatient, or not will likewise hold a particular perspective about yourself, about the moment at hand, about life itself. Perspective then produces Perception, Perception produces Belief, Belief produces Behavior, and Behavior produces Experience. And all of it emerges from the State of Being you have adopted. Again, let me emphasize that your State of Being is not something that results from outer conditions, circumstances, occurrences or events. Beingness is not a reaction, it is a creation. Even when you think you are reacting, you are really creating. That is, you are deciding how you want to be. You are simply doing so after a particular event or condition has been encountered, rather than before. Masters choose a State of Being ahead of time, students do so after the fact. Yet even students who have not reached mastery (such as myself) can benefit from knowing that a State of Being is chosen, by simply choosing the State of Being that is preferred over a State of Being that has apparently been adopted without their knowing it. This is what is known as Conscious Choosing, rather than simple accepting of whatever State of Being you selected at an unconscious level. I want to talk more about this, but we are out of space here for this week. So I hope you'll be back with us next weekend when the new Bulletin comes out! Love and Hugs, Neale. Reflections from the text of the CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD books... You are living in a dream of your own creation. Let it be the dream of a lifetime, for that is exactly what it is. Dream of a world in which the God and Goddess in you is never denied, and in which you never again deny the God and the Goddess in another. Let your greeting, both now and forevermore, be Namastè. Dream of a world in which love is the answer to every question, the solution to every problem, the response to every situation, the experience in every moment. Dream of a world in which Life, and that which supports Life, is the highest value, receives the highest honor, and has its highest expression. Dream of a world in which freedom becomes the highest expression of life, in which no one who claims to love another seeks to restrict another, and in which all are allowed to express the glory of their being in measure full and true. Dream of a world in which equal opportunity is granted to all, and equal resources are available to all, and equal dignity is accorded to all, so that all may experience equally the unequalled wonder of Life. Dream of a world in which judgment is never again visited by one upon another, in which conditions are never again laid down before love is offered, and in which fear is never again seen as a means of respect. Dream of a world in which differences do not produce divisions, individual expression does not produce separation, and the greatness of The Whole is reflected in the greatness of Its parts. Dream of a world in which there is always enough, in which the simple gift of sharing leads to that awareness-and creates it, and in which every action supports it. Dream of a world in which suffering is never again ignored, in which intolerance is never again expressed, and in which hatred is never again experienced by anyone. Dream of a world in which ego is relinquished, in which superiority is abolished, and in which ignorance is eliminated from everyone's reality, reduced to the Illusion that it is. Dream of a world in which mistakes lead not to shame, regrets lead not to guilt, and judgment leads not to condemnation. Dream of these things, and more. Do you choose them? Then dream them into being. With the might of your dreams end the nightmare of your imagined reality. You can choose this. Or, you can choose The Illusion. I have said to you before, through the words of poets and leaders and philosophers: There are those who see things as they are, and say, "Why?" And there are those who dream of things that never were and say, "Why not?" What do you say? The Calendar A look at events at which Neale Donald Walsch will share the message of Conversations with God in the weeks ahead. You can learn more about the work of the ReCreation Foundation at these events...and on its official website,, as well. NOTE: Not all events are sponsored by the ReCreation Foundation, but because all of the events move forward the message of Conversations with God, which is the mission of the Foundation, the Foundation is pleased to inform you of them. Click on each event for more information:
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