Weekly Bulletin #361 More on BEINGNESS |
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October 2, 2009 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Weekly Bulletin is sent free of charge to anyone who asks for it. It
is a publication of the ReCreation Foundation, a non-profit organization
undertaking the work of sharing the message of Conversations with God
with the world. That message is that the purpose of life is to recreate
ourselves anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever
we held about Who We Are. In This Issue... Notes from Neale Reflections from the text of the CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD books... The Calendar Notes from Neale... My dear friends... The work goes on here in Europe, and it has been an exciting journey. For those of you who do not know, I have been on the Continent since September 14 sharing the principles of a New Theology, and the messages of Conversations with God from which they were derived, with audiences in Norway, Germany, Austria, France, and The Netherlands. Em joined me here after the first week of the tour --- which will be my last extended trip in Europe. I have spent many weeks at a time here nearly every year over the past decade, but now my extended travel days are over, as I truly wish to "retire" from so much "on the road" presentation and move into different ways of making these messages available. I am hoping that I can enlist all of you to join with me in that effort, each of us doing whatever we can to bring the news of a New Kind of God to humanity. I know that embracing this New Kind of God will lead the way to creating a New Way of Life on the earth. Folks everywhere are excited and inspired by the wonderful, expansive, freedom-giving messages of Conversations with God, and that was evident wherever we went. Over 1,200 people gathered in the Concert Hall in Oslo for an evening that went from 6 p.m. until 10, exploring a new way to experience Divinity and a new way to create Humanity. Some 600 more filled every seat in a hotel ballroom in Bergen to listen to the same lecture --- and well over 300 stayed for the next two days for an extended spiritual renewal retreat. Then, at a beautiful retreat site just outside of the tiny village of Kisslegg in Bavaria, another 125 joined us for an even longer event --- a five-day intensive that ended last Sunday. This weekend we present a lecture and offer a one-day program in Austria, and then it is on to Paris. When we finish the presentation, people everywhere ask, "What can I do to help bring this message to others?" There are many answers to that question.
I believe that "change" --- particularly unexpected, unwanted change --- is rapidly becoming the biggest sociological event of the 21st Century. Learning how to deal with it is going to be humanity's biggest challenge. (The challenge of the 20th Century was equality, and creating it. The challenge of this century is going to be change, and negotiating it with dignity, peace and grace --- and with the Self intact.) What humanity does not have as we move forward in our evolution are the tools with which to do so joyfully, painlessly, and effortlessly. We need new equipment to confront the new conditions of this new life in a new millennium. That is where the new theology comes in. What we need is a new knowledge of God. Not a new religion, but a new theology. There is a big difference. A religion is a set of doctrines and dogmas. It is, in essence, what someone else has told us about God. The New Theology is based on evolutionary principles that arise out of individual experiences of God, and that are offered as invitations for further exploration, not as set-in-stone "laws" or doctrines or rigid Statements of How It Is. Its dogma is no dogma, its doctrine is no doctrine. It is the essence of freedom, which it invites us to investigate as the true nature of God. It states that God is an energy, not a "being" as we understand the word --- although that energy can take the form of any being it wishes to emulate or create. It states that this energy, this Essence, is best described in human language as pure intelligence and pure love. That is, intelligence without limitation and love without condition. Intelligence and love in its purest form, not constrained in any manner whatsoever, and needing nothing, requiring nothing, and demanding nothing of anyone or anything, but simply and utterly at our complete disposal. Finally, it states that there is no separation between this Essence and Anything Else That Is, but rather, IS All That Is, manifested in multiplicities of Form and Substance. It is the energy of life and that which lives. It is both The Creator and The Created. The concepts of this New Theology are enormous in their implications, life-altering in their impact, and world-changing in their scope and sweep. Should the invitation to embrace these concepts be accepted by humanity, the day-to-day experience of all sentient beings upon the earth would shift so dramatically as to make the entire planet a paradise, and our movement from birth to death nothing less than bliss. The New Theology says this is what it was meant to be. What has stopped life from being this is simply our misunderstanding. Last week we continued our discussion of this New Theology, and our article ended with this... What the Master knows, the Master experiences, and what the student seeks to experience, the student cannot know, for knowing must come before experiencing, not after, and being must come before knowing. Seek, therefore, a State of Being, first, and all ways, and Knowing and Experiencing will inevitably follow. Yet how to seek a State of Being? This week, let's look at that. A State of Being --- as I was just teaching at the retreat site near Kisslegg in Germany --- is something that we choose arbitrarily. It is a product of Will Power. It is a choice we make, and something that we create out of thin air. We do this by making I AM statements. I am happy. I am content. I am at peace. I am joyful. I am grateful. I am wonderful. I am wise. I am patient. I am...whatever I want and choose to be. Nothing is required from our Outer World, because States of Being are Inner World experiences. Yet they can and do create Outer World realities. More on this next week, as we continue our discussion of the New Theology. Will write again from Paris! Love and Hugs, Neale. Reflections from the text of the CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD books... After one experience of Meeting the Creator Within you will remember The Message of the Creator, because it is the message of your own heart. It is no different from the message that your heart sings every time you look into the eyes of another with love. It is no different from the message that your heart cries out when you see suffering anywhere. This is the message that you bring to the world, and that you would leave with the world, when you are your True Self. It is the message that I leave now with you, that you may remember it once again, and share it with all those whose lives you touch. Be kind to each other, and good. Be kind to yourself, and good, as well. Understand that these two do not have to be mutually exclusive. Be generous with each other, and share. Be generous with yourself, as well. Know that only as you share with yourself can you share with another. For you cannot give to another what you do not have. Be gentle with each other, and true. Be gentle with yourself, and true, as well. To thine own self be true, and it follows as the day the night, thou canst not then be false to any man. Remember always that betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another is betrayal nonetheless. It is the highest betrayal. Remember always that love is freedom. You need no other word to define it. You need no other thought to comprehend it. you need no other action to express it. Your search for the true definition of love is over. Now the only question will be whether you can give this gift of love, to yourself and to another, even as I have given it to you. All systems, agreements, decisions and choices that express freedom express God. For God is freedom, and freedom is love, expressed. Remember always that yours is a world of Illusion, that nothing you see is real, and that you may use The Illusion to bring you a grand experience of the Ultimate Reality. Indeed, that is what you have come here to do. The Calendar A look at events at which Neale Donald Walsch will share the message of Conversations with God in the weeks ahead. You can learn more about the work of the ReCreation Foundation at these events...and on its official website,, as well. NOTE: Not all events are sponsored by the ReCreation Foundation, but because all of the events move forward the message of Conversations with God, which is the mission of the Foundation, the Foundation is pleased to inform you of them. Click on each event for more information:
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